I'm Lucas Smit

Software QA Engineer


About me

Hello World!

🙋🏽‍♂️ I'm a QA Engineer with a non-traditional background. Fast learner and truth-seeker.
👨🏽‍💻 I'm centered on software testing in agile environment focused on creating collaborative efforts between developers and engineering teams to implement systems and product-level changes to benefit end-users.
📋 Hands-on experience performing different types of testing such as functional, UI, API, smoke, and regression testing for both web/mobile applications. My tasks also include creating, executing and automating test cases, as well as creating easily reproducible bug reports and tracking their status until satisfactory resolution.
🧠 A quality-driven and detail-oriented team player, able to work with offshore teams in multiple time zones.
🎤 Communication: English, Portuguese, Basic Spanish

Professional Skills

Personal Skills


Work Experience

QA Engineer / Flatlay Inc.
Mar 2019 - Current

    Flatlay is a collaboration platform between brands and creators. After joining the Flatlay team, the challenges and daily requirements of my role were entirely based in testing the core functionality of the web-application as well as UI/UX. In my day to day I primarily focused on:

  • Analyzing client requirements to ensure they are accurately implemented
  • Write easy-to-follow bug reports using videos or images, tracking defects through JIRA
  • Performing smoke, functional, boundary, integration and user interface testing of web-based and mobile applications
  • Performing testing of iOS native app
  • Experience in RESTful web service testing and validating JSON formatted data
  • Test case automation of the web based application by utilizing Cypress framework
  • Checkout code from GIT repository and compile builds locally
  • Test case development and maintenance of the test procedures through QASE
  • Performing manual user testing of the iOS application through TestFlight
  • Web services testing using Postman
  • Writing SQL queries to perform backend data validation
  • Troubleshooting and debugging core functionality
  • Support releases of new features to production

Designer / Codemify inc.
Mar 2018 - Mar 2019

  • Developed new branding of the company
  • Created content for social networks
  • Created new website, tested and fixed its bugs > codemify.com
  • Worked directly with CEO to develop new marketing strategy
  • Created presentation for lessons of the QA Manual and Automation course
  • Set up newsletter structure and design

Construction Engineer / Smit Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda.
Abr 2016 - Mar 2018

Worked for a real estate company, supervising construction daily routine, ensuring that projects were built in accordance with specifications, managing project schedules and resources, performing cost calculations and preparing financial projections.

Contact Me

São Sebastião do Caí - Brazil

+55 51 999748081
